Sami Mandiri Sejahtera Foundation
Om Swastyastu – Assallamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. – Greetings
Praise God, God Almighty (Hyang Widhi Wasa), because of Thy gift, Sami Mandiri Sejahtera Foundation now standing by to assist government programs especially in education. We are here because we realize that education is always as a top priority for parents as they aware that a good education is a valuable provision for children in their future.Hopefully, Sami Mandiri Sejahtera Foundation could be a good partner for both parents and government.
Om Santih, Santih, Santih, Om – Assallamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. – Best Wishes
I Wayan Sutama, SE
Head of Sami Mandiri Sejahtera
Bima School Elearning Sistem
Our Facilities
Mengapa Perlu Belajar Teks Iklan?
Teks iklan adalah salah satu bentuk komunikasi yang sering kita temui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Iklan hadir dalam berbagai media, seperti televisi, radio, internet, dan media
Cerita rakyat merupakan bagian penting dari kebudayaan suatu bangsa. Di Indonesia, yang kaya akan keragaman budaya dan suku, cerita rakyat menjadi salah satu cara untuk
New Subject ; Talents & Interests
Bintang Mandiri School introduces Talents and Interests as a new subject to help all students develop their potential in their preferred fields or skills. In
Unleash your Creativity in our School
Unleash your creativity at Bintang Mandiri School! 😊 Our extensive Art Program is tailored to inspire and empower students. We offer four exciting pathways: theatre,
My Parent My Teacher
We are committed to crafting extraordinary moments for our students and their families. That’s why we encourage parents to share their stories and discuss their
Healthy Food in Kindergarten?
Hey there! We believe that kids need healthy food to grow and thrive. In Bintang Mandiri Kindergarten, we teach our students the importance of eating