#StudentProject (Biology – Grade 11)

Currently in Indonesia there are still children who haven’t received complete immunizations and have never even received immunizations from birth. This causes them to easily contract dangerous diseases because there is no immunity to these diseases.

In fact, the government has required every child to receive complete routine immunizations through the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 12 of 2017 concerning the administration of immunization.

The immunization programs that are required for every child are HB (Hepatitis B) immunization, BCG (Bacille Calmette Guerin) immunization, pentavalent immunization, polio immunization, and measles immunization.

During the corona virus pandemic, the use of social media has increased rapidly so that socialization of the importance of complete routine immunization during the corona virus pandemic is more effective through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Here is the result of a project digital Poster from class XI about Immunization.

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